The reanalysis data of COSMO-REA6, COSMO-REA2 and COSMO-ENS-REA12 may be used without any restrictions, provided that the source is indicated as stated in the Terms of Use (German, courtesy translation to English). Please note, that only the German document "Terms of Use" shall be legally binding.

Unfortunately, download of COSMO-REA2 data is not possible at the moment.

We are working on solving this issue.

The full model output comprises a set of 150 variables (2D and 3D fields). A full list of variables will soon be provided.

As of August 2017 a subset of often requested parameters is available for direct download from the ftp server of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn ( The subset comprises the following fields in hourly temporal resolution:

Variable Description Level/Type Period
CLCT total cloud cover  column 2007-2013 
HPBL height of the boundary layer height above ground 2007-2013 
PS  surface pressure  surface 2007-2013 
QV3D water vapor content  model levels (6 lowest) 2007-2013 
T2M  temperature in 2m  2m  2007-2013 
T3D temperature model levels (6 lowest) 2007-2013 
TKE3D turbulent kinetic energy model levels (6 lowest) 2007-2013 
TOT_PREC  total precipitation  surface  2007-2013 
TQV  total column water vapor content column  2007-2013 
U10M  wind velocity at 10m, u direction   10m  2007-2013 
U3D wind velocity, u direction model levels (6 lowest) 2007-2013 
V10M  wind velocity at 10m, v direction  10m 2007-2013 
V3D wind velocity, v direction model levels (6 lowest) 2007-2013 
VMAX10M wind gusts at 10m 10m 2007-2013

Requests for further data or questions regarding the reanalysis should be send to